Children of the Whales, Vol. 13 by Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 13 by Abi Umeda

In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.

Orca has captured Ouni and Lykos, and seems to have no further interest in Amonlogia or the Mud Whale. But the chaos he left behind continues to reverberate as Rochalízo is forced to make a critical choice and Suou must face the true burden of leadership. Meanwhile, the eyes of the mysterious Emperor have turned toward this far-flung battle on the sands, and his attention does not bode well for anyone.

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Trigger & Content Warnings:

  • Gun violence
  • War themes & military violence
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